Bat Boxes


Bat Boxes 〰️

  • Having bats around your property is like having natures pest control squad. Here are some cool bat facts:

    1. Mosquito Masters: Bats are voracious mosquito eaters, gobbling up hundreds each night. Say goodbye to those annoying blood suckers!

    2. Crop Guardians: In agriculture, bats play a crucial role by devouring crop-damaging insects. This reduces the need for pesticides.

    3. Pollination Partners: Some bats are pollinators. This aids in the reproduction of several native cactus, night blooming flowers, agave and bananas.

    4. Natural Fertilizer Factories: Bat guano is an excellent fertilizer. It is rich in nutrients that can benefit your garden.

    5. Nighttime insect Patrol: Bats help control the night time insect populations. This contributes to a more balanced and harmonious ecosystem.

    In summary, getting a bat box not only adds charm to your space, it also recruits these eco-friendly allies for a healthier and pest-free environment.

  • At Father & Son Woodshop, we take pride in crafting bat boxes with top-notch materials and meticulous craftsmanship. Here’s the scoop:

    1. Quality Materials: Our bat boxes are made with premium redwood and cedar. Some of the wood comes from salvaged logs milled right here at the wood shop. Redwood and Cedar are known or their durability and natural resistace to decay. This ensures a long lasting haven for your nocturnal guests.

    2. Craftsmanship: Each bat box is handcrafted with precision and care by one of our skilled craftsman. Our signature bat logo is not only a design feature, it is a mark of the attention to detail and dedication put into every box.

    3. Built to last: We prioritize durability without compromising on style. Our bat boxes are designed to withstand the elements, providing a reliable and cozy roost for bats year after year.

    When you choose to buy a bat box from Father & Son Woodhop, not only are you getting a home for bats, you’re supporting a small local woodshop that provides a quality product.

Three Chamber Bat Box
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Five Chamber Bat Box
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